February 2013 wallpaper

February 2013 wallpaper

February 2013 free desktop calendar wallpaper

In a few days we will enter February 2013, so it is time to prepare for a new calendar desktop wallpaper.

The photo was taken a few years back. I will not tell you were I took it, but I can tip you that it also can be found in my recently published book. 🙂

Click the image above to view and download! If you would like the wallpaper in another size just drop me a note.

Cuba Book Preview

Cuba Book Preview

I am thrilled today! The proof copy of my first photography book is of to the printers this week.

The book is showing a selection of my Cuba photos, including some never before published images. It has been on my to-do list for a long time, but I never got around to finish it, until now that is!

Below is a preview of some of the pages of the book.
