by René Timmermans | Feb 1, 2014 | Wallpaper

As large parts of Europe are going through tough winter conditions I chose a wintery wallpaper for the month of February. Enjoy!
To use the photo as your desktop wallpaper simply click the image above, then right-click (or control-click) and choose “Save image as…” or “Set as desktop background”.
by René Timmermans | Jan 18, 2013 | Photography

Click the image to view a larger version.
After the early snow we received in the end of November last year the winter continues on full speed through January here in Stockholm.
This week we received another 30 cm of crispy snow while temperatures are down to -18 degrees Celsius.
It does make for beautiful photography.
Have a great weekend!
by René Timmermans | Dec 30, 2012 | Wallpaper

The year 2013 is soon upon us and we will start the month of January with a snowy wallpaper, specially for you who do not get to see much of the snow and ice we have so much of here in Stockholm.
This photo was taken in the Nacka Reserve Forest at the end of November when the first snow had come to Stockholm.
Click the image above to view and download! If you would like the wallpaper in another size just drop me a note.
I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
by René Timmermans | Dec 21, 2012 | Uncategorized

I would like to wish all my blog readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year!
by René Timmermans | Nov 30, 2012 | Photography

Click the image to view a larger version.
About a month earlier than we are used to the first considerable amount of snow covered Stockholm during the last two days. With a temperature of just below zero (C) it makes for a beautiful crisp white blanket covering the city and nature.
It gave me an excellent opportunity to take some early winter landscapes and test the weather durability of the Nikon D600. All photos were taken in or around Hellasgården in the Nacka Reserve Park on the south-east side of Stockholm and just about a stone throw away from my house.

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