by René Timmermans | Dec 1, 2013 | Wallpaper

It is time for the last wallpaper of 2013, as the year comes to an end within a few weeks.
For this months wallpaper I have chosen a photo of a jetty taken a few months back at the Flaten recreational park, south of Stockholm. It symbolizes the year 2013… at the end of it there is no other choice than to jump in and embrace 2014.
by René Timmermans | May 22, 2012 | Photography
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I know, I know… it is spring and almost summer and I am posting autumn photos.
Nevertheless I wanted to share these two edits of the same image. The photo was taken in the east parts of the Netherlands in the Bergher forest (Bergherbos) near the city of Zeddam.
Which one do you prefer, the color or black and white one?
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