by René Timmermans | Oct 30, 2012 | Wallpaper

While hurricane Sandy is rushing through the north-east of the USA leaving a trail of devastation in nature, here in Stockholm most of the leaves have already left the trees and autumn is in full swing.
The November 2012 wallpaper photo is rich with autumn colors displaying a recently fallen leaf. The photo was taken during the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk in Stockholm in the middle of October.
Click the image above to view and download! If you would like the wallpaper in another size just drop me a note.
by René Timmermans | May 22, 2012 | Photography
click the images to view large version
I know, I know… it is spring and almost summer and I am posting autumn photos.
Nevertheless I wanted to share these two edits of the same image. The photo was taken in the east parts of the Netherlands in the Bergher forest (Bergherbos) near the city of Zeddam.
Which one do you prefer, the color or black and white one?
by René Timmermans | Oct 3, 2011 | Wallpaper

Finally it is here, the October 2011 wallpaper. Apologies for the delay, but I have been occupied with the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk during the weekend. More about that later this week on this blog.
It is kind of inevitable that the October wallpaper reflects the autumn colors. Here in Stockholm we already experience a wide variety of colors in the trees. However, the photo of this month’s wallpaper was taken during the autumn of 2010. I have posted a selection of similar images of the autumn leaves on the blog last month.
Click on the image above to get the small version (1280x853px).
Click here if you want to get the large version (1920x1200px).
If you would like the wallpaper in another size just drop me a note.
by René Timmermans | Sep 16, 2009 | Photography
The days are clearly getting shorter, the temperatures in both the day- and nighttime are dropping and the first yellow leaves can be found on the trees here in Stockholm. Although the sun is still shining during a large part of the day and doing its best to warm up things, it is inevitable… the autumn is coming!
It has been a great summer, with early mornings and late evenings to catch the best light conditions. The weather has been good also, from time to time too warm to stay indoors. And that is the advantage from the months ahead of us, it will be cold and dark large part of the day, so that means time to spend behind the computer and post-process those images taken earlier.
I am currently testing some Photoshop plug-ins from onOne Software and Nik Software. From what I have seen so far it is great stuff with lots of opportunities to enhance my photos in a fast way, while remaining with great control over the creative process. Check out their websites for the latest software packages. You can download trial versions for 30-days of use.
Below an image taken in “Nackareservatet” from a few years back to get into the mood for the autumn colors.

This image was taken with a Nikon D70 and a Nikon AF-S DX 18-70mm lens @ 69mm; f/6.3 – 1/160sec – ISO200.
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